Mozula Technologies

Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Here are some of the great things our customers have to say about OSCO

OSCO has helped us greatly reduce the total packing time and increase our productivity significantly.We are packaging more number of boxes in half the time, as OSCO generates the instructions for packers on which boxes to use and what items to pack inside those boxes (or pallets), thus eliminating the manual effort required to figure that out. Another huge benefit we see with OSCO is that we don't have to estimate or wait until order is packed, to calculate the shipping rate. OSCO has enabled us to provide accurate shipping rates from the carriers (based on the packing data from OSCO) to our customers in real time. We have also had Mozula add customization to OSCO based on our business needs and have always got great technical support from them.

Kiran Kumar Ambati, JIT The Packaging Wholesalers

"We have been able to observe significant labor cost savings (one less person per shift) in packaging because OSCO "pre-packs" the orders for us... ; there is no decision to be made by anyone regarding how to package an order in the best possible way. Having the pre-pack information facilitates accurate shipping rate quote at the time of order placement, a functionality we did not have before implementing OSCO. This functionality was long needed, as our customers always wanted to know what the shipping charge was going to be, at the time of order placement. Also, because we implemented OSCO prior to the recent DIM weight changes in shipping charges, we were better prepared and ahead of the curve, to ward off any cost increases due to packaging inefficiency. OSCO's customer support has been fantastic and the speed of OSCO's implementation was very quick because of the great customer support."

Craig Wall, Marshalltown Company.

Testimonial: Leading restaurant equipment provider; company name unspecified due to company policy; can provide reference directly upon request

We did month over month analysis on Dim weight reduction pre-post OSCO implementation, and found 15 - 20% reduction in DIM weight... we re-checked the analysis several times, as we were not expecting the reduction to be so big. This analysis was done over a one year period, and represented DIM weight decreasing from 22lbs. to 18lbs. We are also expecting a huge up-tick in customer satisfaction as we roll-out the shipping rate quotes, when the customer places an order through our POS. Our operators are completely on-board with OSCO's benefits, even though there was an initial resistance from the packers. They now fully trust the software's benefits, seeing the increase in efficiency of shipping & packaging and reduction in DIM weight.

We are using OSCO not just for packaging, but also for quality control. If we get customer complaints regarding missing an item in an order, etc., we can go back and verify the customer's claim via OSCO's order data information (specific item list per box, weight of the package, etc.) - this has proved very helpful in warding off false claims.

Last but not the least, Mozula's customer service has been just phenomenal. One big reason we decided to go with Mozula is because of their knowledgeable support team, which provided prompt answers to any question we had. This made implementation of the software easy and quick. We look forward to continuing this business relationship with Mozula in future years, with plans to add more features/functionality from OSCO.

Leading restaurant equipment provider

"We are very happy with OSCO, we are using it every single day for packing and shipping our orders. Prior to using OSCO, we used to have pickers and shippers for all orders, and OSCO has enabled us to just have pickers - figuring out the shipping/packaging part is now handled by OSCO. This has resulted in almost 25% labor cost savings for us. We also use OSCO for making sure we are carrying the right box sizes in our inventory for packaging - we can try different box sizes virtually with OSCO and analyze prior orders to see if having a different box size could result in improved packaging. OSCO's customer support and deployment has been top-notch; I remember one specific incident when we had a software update at night time, and we had the support team working with us through mid-night to resolve the issues. "

Major seller of filtration supplies (company name unspecified due to company policy)